What I Did Afraid This Year.

I know we have been taught not to be afraid of anything. Now there’s nothing wrong with being afraid, however don’t let it paralyze you or your life. 

I have let being afraid stop me from moving forward in the past. I knew I was suppose to be doing something or being somewhere, but I let fear over take me. 

I vowed to myself I will not let that happen again. I feel if I’m afraid or feel even close to it, I will do it and rock it!!! So with that being said, I have lists few things I did afraid this year.


1. Co-Host an event. 

2. I did a features interview on FB Live how to be a Momprenuer.

3. I began my Style N Beauty Blog  Series, that would feature /show case women in style and beauty business.

4. I host my first Styling Class.


No more excuses, just do it and show up!! The show up is what can take you to the next level!! I hope this inspire you to take the big leap into your destiny.