Style Tip of the Week-Know your body type




Do you know that only 10% of women know their body type? That means 90% of woman are walking around just winging it, and hoping that what they try on in the dressing room will work. So how do we get that percentage down?? Well I'm going to share with you a few tips that will help you with knowing your body type and make your life a little easier for 2017.

  1. You will need a measuring tape( you can get these at Target, Walmart, Dollar Tree or Dick's Sporting Good)
  2. A full length mirror if possible ( to make sure you are taking the measurements right)
  3. Pen and Paper to write down your measurements.

Now, you are ready to get started. Let me just say this,  I'm not a fan of naming bodies after fruit and vegetables. So I have been taught by my style mentor, which really stuck was the concept of having five different body types based on where women carry their weight.

  • Bigger on the Top (large bust)
  • Bigger in the middle (larger tummy)
  • Bigger on the Bottom (a little extra in the booty/hips)
  • Proportional (classic hourglass- bust/hips equal, waist is smaller)
  • No Curves (Straight up and down/model shape)

You can easily determine your body type by taking three specific measurements.-your bust, your waist, and your hips. If your bust measurements is bigger than your waist and hips,then you are bigger on the top-pretty straightforward, right?? Once you determine your body type then same style rules apply whether you are a size 2 or 22, you will look stylish no matter what.


Tracie DouglasComment