Style Tip Of the Week 3-How to plan your outfits

One of the things that I had to learn was to plan my outfits. I use to say I don't have time to do all of that however, I couldn't afford not to. I used to get up in the morning stressed out about what to wear and then I would get all frustrated and put on anything. Walk around all day mad because I don't like what I have on and I sure didn't look my best.

So to eliminate that from happen again, I needed to discipline myself. Now it wasn't easy, it will be a struggle at first, but you can do it. How I would start was I visualize what I have in my closet. Most of us already know what we have, its just takes putting it together, right?? Once I got home and relax for a minute I would go upstairs and start planning my outfits. Now I do recommend for the first couple weeks plan one outfit however, once you get it, then I would start planning maybe two, then three, and etc. until you are able to plan a whole week.



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