3 tips to smart shopping


Well most of us Style Chic's and fashionista love to shop right?!?! I know I do, I have a thing for luxury items too. One thing I've learned is I have to have a plan when shopping. So here are my 3 tips for shopping smart..

  1. Have a budget- You must have a budget before you start shopping. This will help with you not over spending and sticking to the budget.
  2. Always do your research- Whether online or in store, look to see what you like, if itsnot in your budget, ask the store clerk, when is the next sale and if the item you want to purchase will be included in the sale? Check back then, but if the item you want is not on sales, check their website. You will be surprised the same item is marked down online. (this goes for the luxury items as well)
  3. Shop off season-I love shopping off season, because you get great discounts. Like now, Christmas is over so you can get sweaters, hats, scarves, gloves socks, and boots, for little to nothing and you can start shopping for the next holiday.

Bonus: Know the difference between sale and clearance- What girls doesn't like a sale?? How about those clearance racks?? I know you thinking isn't sales and clearance the same?? kind of, nut not quite. Sale is when they mark down an item for a weekend or day, but it will back to its original price afterwards. Clearance on the other hand will be marked down several times before the store take it out of stock. That's why I love target, they mark items every Tuesday(I suggest going in the afternoon, that way you give them time to do their mark downs) also you can ask the clerk will this item be marked down again.

Well there you have it.. I hope this will help the next time you goo shopping. Let me know if these tips help, I would love to hear your comments.
