Year In Review

As we end 2018, to begin 2019. I thought I would share how my year as has been. It started by my husband and I moving at the top of the year, so we celebrated Christmas 2017 packing. After we got settle in we started furnish our place, which we really still haven’t finish a year later…LOL But we are still working on it.

Our youngest sons graduate from high school, so we are official empty nesters. He is now in college and we are so pride of him.

My business has grown this year, but not with a little challenges. However I still kept pushing, with the support of my mentor, family and friends. You must have a great support system no matter what. I’m also have revamp my styling services to cater to the professional women and entrepreneur. I’m really excited about it, along with my Style Chic T-shirts which was a success!! Be on the look out, there will be more to come with the Tracie Nichole brand and the Style Chic Collection.

Last but not least, I want to thank each and everyone of you for your support, for allowing me to share all things style. I never take it for granted all that God has given me, and that includes you. I look forward to connecting with you more 2019.

I wish you, a Happy New Year with love, joy and peace.

Tracie Nichole Douglas

Tracie Douglas