Interview with MUA Lakia Gilmore of Aikalbeaute
I had the pleasure of talking to MUA Lakia Gilmore of AikalBeaute, to see how she balances it all.
Q. Tell us about Aikalbeaute. How did you get started and where did the name come from?
A. Aikalbeaute came when I was with my mentor Letitia Thornhill in her studio. We was brain storming about a name for my business. She said to me I have the perfect name, Aikal your name spell backwards beauty will be spell with an E instead of Y. How I got started was four years ago I was not an expert at all. I started out selling a beauty line Successfullooks cosmetics which the owner is Kellie Thompson. Kellie prophesied that I would do makeup and I will travel the world and I thought she was crazy. I started my journey, taking classes and shadowing celebrity Letitia.
Q. What was the influence or motivation that makes you to want to become a MUA?
A. God was my influence because I honestly didn't want this gift or life for myself, and all the things that came with it! Every time I tried to run or closed doors of opportunity he connected me with people like Letitia, who was in the industry willing to share her passion and gift! He begin to place people I never met in my life who told me I couldn't stop, trust God and uplifted my spirit and pulled me out the pit. I can call these people friends who was sent definitely from God! God has been my influence because I know it was only him who allowed all of my success. I wish I could say I'm one of the best artists in the DMV but it not my artistry that allowed people to see me but God who started something in me and used a person like me with no desire and knowledge of makeup! If God can use someone like me imaging what else he can do!!! That what motivates me his grace and mercy!
Q. How important is it to have a mentor?
A. It’s extremely important to have a mentor. You need find someone who is greater and to connect with God when selecting a mentor. You have to have that spiritual connection with your mentor too. Someone who is already doing it, that's not jealous and not afraid to share. All my mentors inspire me in one way or another! It like gas in a car, you can run on empty and sometimes you have to use a certain type of gas for certain cars! So who are you allowing to fill your spirit and how?
Q. What advice would you give to someone like yourself that maybe have children who feels she cant pursue their dreams?
A. My brand is with “Beauty Comes Boldness”. I say you have to be bold with everything you do including what God had given you. I fell if I wasn’t bold enough to connect with Letita , I would probably never be this far. Walk boldly in your gift, even if you are afraid, step out on it quickly. It’s definitely a faith walk. Make sure you ask the right questions and don’t worry about your past. During the process your circle may get small, but keep pushing.
Q. What next for Aikalbeaute?
A. More traveling, doing pop up makeup classes every month. Expand my mink lash line and teach other women to live their dreams. I just want teach women how to love themselves from the inside out.
To connect with Lakia;
Instagram @aikalbeaute